Master of Two Worlds

I had watched and listened to myself tell the the entire story, fascinated and frightened simultaneously. What was this madness? As I contemplated, those that watched me, the crowd and the man in black watched me silently for a few moments. Then, interrupting my thoughts, they all fell to their knees, faces bowed low to the ground. And the man in black spoke: “Master, you have slept a long time. It is good to see you finally have regained your strength. We are your humble servants. We have listened to your message for a long time. Though many doubted your truth, they will now know that you are a savior to us. You are a messiah. You have showed us that mankind is one, that our history is one. We are one people. We are your people. I beseech you on behalf of all mankind to help us. Only you can show us the way to become like you.”

Then he rose again to his feet and watched me intently. I stared at him with questions in my eyes. As if knowing I needed more answers, he stepped aside and, walking slowly, came two women, one older than the other. They too were silent. And immediately I remembered the faces from my dreams. My wife. My child. But they seemed much older than than I expected them to be. How long had I slept? How long had I been married before I slept? I could not even remember the answers to these basic questions. And as I contemplated these words my wife approached my bed, placing her hand upon my hand. My daughter waited, standing beside the man in black. My wife looked deep into my eyes and spoke: “My love, I have waited so long for you to awake. And now that are with us again, I beg you. Teach us how to be like you so that we may also sleep with the peace that you have.”

These words were neither the words I had hoped nor expected to hear. I shook her hand away from me and she stepped back to the man and our daughter. I could feel within me deep emotions stirring but I dared not speak. My wife was crying. The man in black had a look of awe in his eyes. Those in the crowd seemed fearful of what might happen next. But my daughter looked at me with deep compassion. Her eyes were bright but I could see that she was close to tears. Still looking at me, she reached out and took her mother’s hand and said “out” to the man beside her. He seemed confused. Still holding her mother’s hand, she said in a loud commanding voice, “everyone get out now.” And the crowd, in a confused hush, slowly left the room, leaving me and me alone with my family.

Tears filled my eyes. What was this insanity? I did not want any of this. I stood from my bed finally and stumbled towards my wife and daughter. “Take me to the window,” I said. And with tears in their eyes, they helped me, each supporting me enough to reach the window. I looked outside. It was night. The moon was bright, though hidden by clouds. I could see a crowd of people watching me from the ground below. I turned, looking at my wife. Her tears were few though the pain was so great. I kissed her lips then turned to my daughter. Her tears were many so I kissed both her cheeks. Then, leaning on their strength, I pushed against them and fell through the window to my death.