I fell too fast, like lightning,

To the group’s surprise, they were not taken back to their cell but led from the Capitol down into the city before being simply abandoned in the streets. But before the escort left them, Mary whispered a few words in Omega’s ear, “She’s waiting for you,” before disappearing into a wisp of the fog that drifted through the city.

“What did she say?” Trigger asked.

“I don’t think it matters,” retorted 5. “We have to get moving before they hunt us down for sport.”

“Why would they do that?” Switch laughed.

Omega interrupted him, “She told me to find her.”

He began walking slowly through the city streets, absently making his way by one block, then another while the others followed him, arguing among themselves.

They eventually found themselves near the old center of the city, where age-beaten ancient houses were slowly falling into the ocean. The disaster that had occurred here was well-recorded. Never before had an earthquake done so much damage to such a wealthy population. Every year a monument was built as close to the original center as possible, but erosion coupled with time always forced another to be laid the next year. It was only a matter of a decade before the entire city would be underwater.

Trigger bent down to read the names that were inscribed on the walkways. Even five hundred years after their deaths, these people were as well-known and popular as they had been then. More so perhaps if you consider each had a new film come out almost every year. It wasn’t that current actors couldn’t play the parts as well or that these original heroes couldn’t be brought back to life. It was more of an artistic choice by directors to use a figure from classical history. “These stars,” they said, “represent the epitome of the human spirit, their originality, their poise, their style, cannot be duplicated.” But they could be duplicated, quite easily actually by specialized programmers and their computers.

“A city filled with dead stars,” Omega murmured.

“What was that?” Switch looked at him quizzically.

“Oh... nothing.”

The group stood around for a few moments, each internally debating what the next move might be. Trigger contemplated which item in eyesight he could destroy for maximum satisfaction while 5 was already eying the holographic windows of the building behind them. Omega gazed out over the ocean that was still eating away the city while Switch tried to figure out what his own thoughts were. Kernel’s thoughts were concentrated on a signal he was receiving from the city itself but decided against sending the nature of the message to Switch, as it was obvious they would soon find out anyway.

“Well if it isn’t the Omega,” a voice boomed out from behind them. The five immediately froze in shock. That voice could only belong to one person. Trigger spun around to look directly into the eyes of the most feared man on the planet. And he did not look happy.

Bringing with me heaven and hell.

Lord Xavier, the ruler of all Earth politely addressed the five as his bodyguards moved strategically behind them. “Why, oh why are you here, Omega? Haven’t had enough pain?” And in the blink of any eye, Omega lay on the ground wheezing as he felt his rib cage collapsing. And yet — no one had touched him.

Omega struggled to maintain himself as he watched on. "And you,” X addressed Kernel, “the lost one. I’m glad your programming survived after your brain melted down. But I think that I must thank you, for bringing him to me.”

Kernel opened his mouth to object, but still no words came out. X laughed at the irony before kicking a hole through his chest. He died with a gasp of shock as blood trickled over his lips and his body fell to the ground.

Then with a look at 5, the robot was devoured by a shower of electrical sparks. To Switch he smiled and said, “well done, good and faithful servant.”

It was then that the unnaturally-lit sky went dark as a blue-white light appeared around them. And suddenly standing over Omega was the young woman from my dreams. Xavier gasped and turned to the ghostly form. He was about to speak when the girl held her hand up to him as if ordering him not to speak. She reached her hand down to Omega, who was still struggling to stay conscious through the pain. For a moment he was amused that he could see right through her. But as his hand touched hers, he felt security in its solidness. Somehow the pain that racked his mind and body became irrelevant. And even though he could still feel the spasms causing muscle and nerve damage, he slowly rose to his feet.

X began to order the girl to stop whatever it was she was doing in the name of this and that. He continued to scream only because he knew he could not actually control what was happening. Only when Omega had stood did she finally answer.

“He is the Omega, brother.”

Omega began to realize something in shock. This young girl was also a member of the Holy Family. She looked into his eyes, as if probing the depths of his soul.

The ruler of the Earth glared at his sister. “I know he is.”

She answered her brother, “then we know what must happen here,” still gazing ferociously into Omega’s eyes as if looking for something lost long ago.

“It must not be like this,” X begged.

“It must,” she said as she turned toward Omega and without warning, merged her ethereal form with his body which, glowing, crumpled to the ground.