00000  Independent Thought ' - alpha circle version 5

00001  Teachers of language, history, science, and art,

00010  Our educators for thirteen years or longer

00011  Taught us how we must perceive the existing world;

00100  Taught form and structure in metered time, bells rung to

00101  Mark our daily drills in the yard. And numbered off,

00110  We are forced to wade through rivers of blood and

00111  Mountains engraved with the words of the modern god,

01000  Textbooks of language, history, science, and art.

01001  So alike we are that when we finish the race

01010  We must wear robes of black, of mourning, of sorrow,

01011  For we were never given that which is our right,

01100  The right to think, the right to feel - to live unlike

01101  Mechanical animals, prefabricated

01110  And incapable of that which is most human.

01111  Our language, our history, our science, our art

10000  Have taken away the intellect that shaped them.

10001  We are led by programmed mortals, uninspired

10010  By the greatness that we are human, capable

10011  Of any path that we may choose. But choice is gone,

10100  So then it must be fate that guides us futureward.

10101  “Ours is the greatest civilization yet!” say

10110  The words of language, history, science, and art,

10111  So we strive no longer for that which is greater.

11000  We are stagnant, devoid of any goal; so we sit

11001  In our uncontemplation, waiting for the end,

11010  Unable to think, unable to feel. We must

11011  Look around us so that we might live again, for

11110  Even the machines can see that we are dying.

11111  End Program ' return to operating system